2012-06-26 宜蘭頭城奇遇記: 遇上美麗的小鎮, 熱情的海岸, 和優秀的民宿。跟來自桃園的管理員夫婦 Andy & Mia 剛吃完羅東夜市, 就帶他們去吃幾天前吃過的魏姐粉圓, 現在享受著檸檬蜂蜜精油泡澡。明早在自己露臺就看到日出了! 下午也許會試試沖浪 :)

The view I get from my room and the experience I get 100m away. So glad I chose to stay for 2 days :)

凡事都有第一次﹐ 今天又來一個: 飛行傘! (First time paragliding! I'm not brave. I just don't know what scares me, just yet, lol)

傍晚時分, 民宿設計師諒哥帶著太太和兒子過來跟我認識一下, 後來他帶我到沙灘抓螃蟹! 諒哥跟小公子都是個中高手, 而我是新手有運氣, 第二次拋網就抓到了! (我們可是很有愛心的, 觀賞完就放牠回家!) 原來在外灘這裡的沙, 就住著之少3種很不一樣的蟹。分別在譬如說海水跟沙子的比例﹑吃什麼為生﹑游泳厲害還是跑得快, 好多學問耶! 就像我們各有所長, 放在不對的環境就只會變得跟離巢螃蟹一樣呆。抓螃蟹之余又上了人生的一課!

A close-up of the crab I caught today! Learned so much with the B&B designer Rob for differentiate various types of crabs living on this coast line. These crabs all have different sizes and strengths due to the specific sandy area. Learned a simple but great lesson about how our talents needed to be place in the right places...

Mia 做了美味的 club sandwich, 我就即興泡壺百香果蜜大家喝, 很不錯的喔! (還是Andy厲害, 提供這個idea!)

Mia, one of the hosts of Meeting Ocean, is such an awesome lady! Her breakfasts (i.e. club sandwich and panini) are some of the best I've ever had!!! We had so much fun making today's breakfast together, as I used passion fruits to make passion fruit honey for all of us, hehe :)


本文資料來源:Karen M T Chan's Facebook